Directions to Kani

From Narita International Airport,

take Narita Express to JR Tokyo Station (approximately 90 minutes) and take a bullet train to Nagoya (Train 'Nozomi' recommended, approxminately 100 minutes). From Nagoya, take a Meitetsu Line to Inuyama (approxminately 35 minutes) and change trains to Nihon Line Shin Kani Station (approximately 20 minutes).

From Chubu International Airport,

take a Meitetsu Line to Kanayama Station (approximately 30 minutes). From Kanayama, take a Meitetsu Inuyama Line to Inuyama (approxminately 35 minutes) and change trains to Nihon Line Shin Kani Station (approximately 20 minutes).

We recommend changing trains at Kanayama station (before Nagoya station), because changing trains at Nagoya may well be confusing (even to Japanese).

From Kansai International Airport,

take a JR Haruka Express to Shin Osaka (approximately 60 minutes). Take a bullet train to Nagoya (approximately 50 minutes). From Nagoya, take a Meitetsu Line to Inuyama (approxminately 35 minutes) and change trains to Nihon Line Shin Kani Station (approximately 20 minutes).